Genealogy Data Page 12 (Pedigree Pages)

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     Edens, Aeilko 
   Edens, Jan
 b. 02 DEC 1907
 d. 15 JAN 1941
    Stuut, Feike  
  Edens, Koos    
     Velema, Aike
 b. 02 JUN 1852
 d. 23 OCT 1915
    Velema, Jakob
 b. 30 JAN 1884
 d. 09 NOV 1964
     Bos, Hillechien
 b. 09 JUL 1849
 d. 17 APR 1935
   Velema, Lena
 b. 02 SEP 1909
 d. 14 DEC 1992
     Lingbeek, Hindrik
 b. 16 OCT 1859
    Lingbeek, Asselina
 b. 03 AUG 1886
 d. 18 NOV 1963
     Spel, Lena 

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   Geerdes, Karel
 b. 03 MAR 1909
 d. 22 JUL 1984
  Geerdes, Aswin    
     Velema, Aike
 b. 02 JUN 1852
 d. 23 OCT 1915
    Velema, Jakob
 b. 30 JAN 1884
 d. 09 NOV 1964
     Bos, Hillechien
 b. 09 JUL 1849
 d. 17 APR 1935
   Velema, Lena
 b. 02 SEP 1909
 d. 14 DEC 1992
     Lingbeek, Hindrik
 b. 16 OCT 1859
    Lingbeek, Asselina
 b. 03 AUG 1886
 d. 18 NOV 1963
     Spel, Lena 

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     Glazenburg, Eltjo 
   Glazenburg, Geert_Hendrik
 b. 16 JAN 1922
 d. 10 FEB 1989
    Nieboer, Hilje  
  Glazenburg, Eltjo_Jakob    
     Velema, Aike
 b. 02 JUN 1852
 d. 23 OCT 1915
    Velema, Jakob
 b. 30 JAN 1884
 d. 09 NOV 1964
     Bos, Hillechien
 b. 09 JUL 1849
 d. 17 APR 1935
   Velema, Henderika_Lubberta   
     Lingbeek, Hindrik
 b. 16 OCT 1859
    Lingbeek, Asselina
 b. 03 AUG 1886
 d. 18 NOV 1963
     Spel, Lena 

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     Glazenburg, Eltjo 
   Glazenburg, Geert_Hendrik
 b. 16 JAN 1922
 d. 10 FEB 1989
    Nieboer, Hilje  
  Glazenburg, Jakob_Aike    
     Velema, Aike
 b. 02 JUN 1852
 d. 23 OCT 1915
    Velema, Jakob
 b. 30 JAN 1884
 d. 09 NOV 1964
     Bos, Hillechien
 b. 09 JUL 1849
 d. 17 APR 1935
   Velema, Henderika_Lubberta   
     Lingbeek, Hindrik
 b. 16 OCT 1859
    Lingbeek, Asselina
 b. 03 AUG 1886
 d. 18 NOV 1963
     Spel, Lena 

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     Glazenburg, Eltjo 
   Glazenburg, Geert_Hendrik
 b. 16 JAN 1922
 d. 10 FEB 1989
    Nieboer, Hilje  
  Glazenburg, Asselina_Hilje    
     Velema, Aike
 b. 02 JUN 1852
 d. 23 OCT 1915
    Velema, Jakob
 b. 30 JAN 1884
 d. 09 NOV 1964
     Bos, Hillechien
 b. 09 JUL 1849
 d. 17 APR 1935
   Velema, Henderika_Lubberta   
     Lingbeek, Hindrik
 b. 16 OCT 1859
    Lingbeek, Asselina
 b. 03 AUG 1886
 d. 18 NOV 1963
     Spel, Lena 

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     Roelfs, Jan
 d. 25 SEP 1801
     Velema, Jan~Jans
 b. 18 APR 1781
 d. 11 JAN 1864
      Wubbes, Antje
 d. 12 JUL 1826
   Velema, Wubbe~Jans
 b. 18 APR 1825
 d. 02 NOV 1906
     Nannes, Aike
 b. 14 FEB 1745
 d. 31 OCT 1803
    Aikes, Willemtien
 d. 03 JUN 1835
     Klaassens, Grietje
 b. 05 FEB 1764
 d. 11 MAY 1811
  Velema, Janna
 b. 09 MAR 1851
 d. 21 MAR 1935
    Siks, Gerrit~Harms  
   Siks, Renske~Gerrits
 b. 05 JUN 1826
 d. 13 APR 1905
    Scha, Janna~Jans  

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     Roelfs, Jan
 d. 25 SEP 1801
     Velema, Jan~Jans
 b. 18 APR 1781
 d. 11 JAN 1864
      Wubbes, Antje
 d. 12 JUL 1826
   Velema, Wubbe~Jans
 b. 18 APR 1825
 d. 02 NOV 1906
     Nannes, Aike
 b. 14 FEB 1745
 d. 31 OCT 1803
    Aikes, Willemtien
 d. 03 JUN 1835
     Klaassens, Grietje
 b. 05 FEB 1764
 d. 11 MAY 1811
  Velema, Wubbo
 b. 14 JAN 1868
 d. 27 APR 1952
    Siks, Gerrit~Harms  
   Siks, Renske~Gerrits
 b. 05 JUN 1826
 d. 13 APR 1905
    Scha, Janna~Jans  

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     Velema, Jan~Jans
 b. 18 APR 1781
 d. 11 JAN 1864
     Velema, Jan~Jans
 b. 06 NOV 1821
 d. 13 FEB 1881
      Aikes, Willemtien
 d. 03 JUN 1835
   Velema, Aike
 b. 02 JUN 1852
 d. 23 OCT 1915
     Mulder, Jacob~Harkes
 b. ABT 1786
    Mulder, Diewerka_Magrietha_Henderika
 b. 06 JUN 1825
 d. 11 MAR 1900
     Jonker, Trijntje~Willems 
  Velema, Popke_Jantina
 b. 27 JAN 1876
 d. 14 JAN 1950
    Bos, Derk~Elzes
 d. 05 JAN 1866
   Bos, Hillechien
 b. 09 JUL 1849
 d. 17 APR 1935
    Poppen, Repke  

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     Velema, Johannes
 b. 22 APR 1873
 d. 05 MAY 1914
     Velema, Wouter
 b. 21 JAN 1905
 d. 04 NOV 1979
      Bos, Jacomina
 b. 28 JUL 1876
 d. 14 JUN 1924
   Velema, Johannes  
    Klompmaker, Harmina  
  Velema, Carolina_Jansje_Hermina    
    Schoots, Willem
 b. 20 JUN 1902
 d. 15 OCT 1986
   Schoots, Cornelia_Jansje_Constantia   
    Pluim, Jansje
 b. 04 AUG 1904
 d. 08 JUN 1976

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     Velema, Johannes
 b. 22 APR 1873
 d. 05 MAY 1914
     Velema, Wouter
 b. 21 JAN 1905
 d. 04 NOV 1979
      Bos, Jacomina
 b. 28 JUL 1876
 d. 14 JUN 1924
   Velema, Johannes  
    Klompmaker, Harmina  
  Velema, Johannes_Wouter_Willem    
    Schoots, Willem
 b. 20 JUN 1902
 d. 15 OCT 1986
   Schoots, Cornelia_Jansje_Constantia   
    Pluim, Jansje
 b. 04 AUG 1904
 d. 08 JUN 1976

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